June 2, 2023 TAHOE & TRUCKEE TRAIL REPORT Afternoon showers will be continuing this week and keeping the perfect amount of moisture in the trails. The trails are in the best condition they will be all year so hit them soon!

Happyface Trail Thanks @tahoe.meg for the photo!
Sawtooth Trail System:

Our shop favorite trail system is opening up and offering over 15 miles of rideable trail!
Happyface is a great easy-moderate trail that is perfect for a quick exciting ride. Just around the corner Woodspliter takes you down a playful jump trail with tons of fun features. To extend your ride take Bobbles trail down to the main sawtooth trail although the bald mountain section still has several snow patches. To add a few miles and you can ride about a mile on Lower Big Chief for a quick out and back. The trail conditions are excellent from the spring thunderstorms. Hit these trails now before they get dried out and rode out.
Shop Employee Rory Davis
Ridding Woodsplitter Jump Trail
Truckee Bike Park:

Although the bike park was hit hard by our extreme winter, the Truckee Bike Park is working hard to have it up and running. Hone in your jump skills on the Upper Jump tracks and don't miss out on Mint Chip and the Small Pump Track. The Bike Park is free and great for all ages! Most of their parks are open but please be respectful of the tracks that they are still working hard to restore.
Do you love trails as much as we do? Consider Supporting the Building and Maintenance of our Beautiful Trails by donating to the Truckee Trails Foundation
We want to thank the amazing people at the Truckee trails foundation for their continued work in growing and supporting our local trails, and ridding community. Please show them some support, any donation
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