June 16, 2023 TAHOE & TRUCKEE TRAIL REPORT Now is the best time to be out on the trails! The recent weather is finally clearing up after creating amazing trail conditions. Almost all of our trails have recovered from the extreme winter, however north facing trails are going to take a little longer to completly melt out.
Hong Kong Phooey to Jellystone:

You can find this trail right down the street from Jackass ridge. This loop is probably the best it has ever been from the recent improvements and ideal weather conditions. Jellystone is riding smooth with very few mud patches and obstacles although you will come across a few unavoidable puddles as you go through the narrowest part of hong kong phooey. If you have been enjoying Donkeytown trail, you are sure to love this ride.
Tahoe Donner Trail system:

The Tahoe Donner Trail system is starting to melt out and is now providing access to Mustang Sally and Euer valley. The connector trail to Moondance is completely dry and True Grit is clear up to Sundance hut. Additionally Cinnamon Twist is mostly clear with only a few muddy stretches. Mustang Sally's gorgeous well conditioned trail is worth the extra effort it takes to get there despite a few snow patches and fallen trees. This trail system has so much to offer and is a great place to come and explore.
Additions to Sawtooth trail system:

As the Sawtooth trail system continues to clear up, the trails start to overlap and create more possible ride variations. Some of the most recent trails to open create an exciting loop from Powerline down to Two Beavers and a Bear with an add on of the Twin Bridges trail. These three trails are clear of snow with minimal mud patches. This ride does involve crossing Martis creek which is flowing high from snow melt and rain runoff, Unfortunately the bridge is no longer rideable. These trails are definitely worth a trip next time you go to ride Sawtooth.
Do you love the local trails as much as we do? Consider Supporting the Building and Maintenance of our Beautiful Trails by donating to the Truckee Trails Foundation
We want to thank the amazing people at the Truckee trails foundation for their continued work in growing and supporting our local trails, and ridding community. Please show them some support, any donation
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